
The Tivatrainer is a drug simulation application for intravenous drugs. Think of training, workshops, research and can be used even at the point of care.

Stop thinking in mg/kg and ml/hr. Start thinking in concentrations! With Tivatrainer you can simulate boluses and infusions, TCI, ETCI and even convert targets to boluses and infusions with IVassist.

List of available drugs

# Drug name Author
1 Propofol Marsh
2 Propofol Marsh(short keo)
3 Propofol Eleveld[2]
4 Propofol (+opioid) Eleveld[2]
5 Propofol Kenny:paedfusor
6 Propofol (Keo)Schnider
7 Propofol (TPE)Schnider
8 Remifentanil Minto
9 Remifentanil Eleveld
10 Remifentanil Kim-Obara-Egan
11 Fentanyl Shafer
12 Lidocaine Kuipers
13 Ketamine Racemic Clements
14 Ketamine Racemic Domino
15 Midazolam Zomorodi
16 Remimazolam(ASA I/II) Masui
17 Remimazolam(ASA III/IV) Masui
18 Sufentanil Bovill
19 Sufentanil Gepts
20 Sufentanil Greeley/Bovil
21 Propofol Marsh/Thomson(Pd)
22 Propofol White/Kenny
23 Propofol Cortinez
24 Dexmedetomidine Dyck
25 Dexmedetomidine Hannivoort
26 Alfentanil Scott
27 Alfentanil Maitre
28 Paracetamol Wuerthwein
29 Paracetamol(Ped) Wang
30 Ketamine S+ Geisslinger
31 Ketamine S+ White
32 Morphine Sarton
33 Tranexamic acid Grassin-Delyle
34 Remimazolam(child) Gao
35 Sufentanil(short Thalfkeo) Gepts

Last updated at Tue, 16 Jul 2024 11:46:43 GMT.


The previous version of the Tivatrainer has been used all over the world for explaining pharmacokinetic concepts. It has been cited over 300 times in academic literature. Because of its flexibility it has even found its way in lawsuit cases to calculate and explain expected blood concentrations after mishaps with drug dosing inside or outside the operating room. With Tivatrainer, reviewers check drug doses used in manuscripts and it has been used for interactive training in countless workshops from the Eurosiva and other organisations.


The Tivatrainer has four modes of operation.

Manual mode
For adding bolusses and infusions manually.
TCI mode
For simulating blood Target Controlled Infusions (TCI).
For simulating Effect Target Controlled Infusions (ETCI).
For approximating (E)TCI by manual controlled bolus and infusion.

The Tivatrainer also shows the Bispectral index (BIS) for selected models. It has a powerful copy/paste function to compare properties of different models and to solve elaborate what/if questions.

previous windows xp version

The new tivatrainer is not yet as fully featured as the old windows xp version. If you really need the old version, please contact us!

TivatrainerX for iPhone

The full featured paid version for iPhone: TivatrainerX is still available in the appstore but will be migrated to this version of Tivatrainer in due time.